Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a weekend!

So this week's workouts were fantastic and on schedule.  Watching and helping Bootcampers & the Test group is exciting and pumps me up!

This weekend, well.....that's a different story!  I rescued a kitten Friday night.  My mother found it all wet, flies lying eggs all over it, and the poor thing was probably giving up at that point.  So, I've pretty much nursed him back to health, but there goes my Fall shopping $$$!  But, it was worth it.  BUT,....I'm totally cat ignorant!  Have had dogs and birds all my life and  I love animals, but this is like learning Greek.  Just bought a book, but I hope I can get things back to normal this week.  A little.

Love and welcome Norman Motley!

1 comment:

  1. Girl.... you are crazy but in an inspiring way. I'm glad you were able to help. :) Super Motley!
